Monday, November 23, 2009

Playdates, Turkeys, Sisters and Sharing

Happy times are here! We have been busy playing and enjoying the holidays already. Hope everyone is having as much fun as we are this season!

Lizzie and Addie are good little friends having a pajama party all day long!

The mighty hunters are bringing home the bacon, or in this case the turkeys. Posing with their winnings!

Sisters, unfortunately Charlie didn't know what to think about this picture taking thing!

Sharing, caring everybody sharing that's the thing to do!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life according to Lizzie

These past few weeks Lizzie has been saying the funniest things and I keep forgetting to write them down. This post may be boring for some of you but I needed to record some things so I don't forget them. This is Life According to Lizzie. . . .
The other day I made Lizzie some eggs for breakfast and they were warm enough that there was steam coming from the plate, she covered her eyes and said "Oh the smoke is hurting my eyes."
At the store the bag boy was making idol chit chat asked Lizzie how she was doing she replied "I have just been sick, I had Swine Flu." Luckily he couldn't really understand and he just smiled and I hurried off.
This morning as I was fixing my hair Lizzie marched down and announced that she couldn't find her iron to iron her blankie, I told her that I didn't think she had a iron ( I didn't even know she knew what an iron was, that's how often I use one). To which she replied "Oh it must have died," I wonder what they are teaching her at preschool?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Scary Halloween Visitor

Friday morning Lizzie woke up with a fever and by the afternoon we decided to take her to the doctor. Yes they unofficially confirmed that she has H1N1, unfortunately the test is only right 50 percent of the time so really they said even if it came back negative the doctor would still say that she had it. The bad thing is they only give the medicine to kids under 2 and since she was to old they sent us home with a prescription for Charlie and just told us to watch her. If she developed a cough with mucus then we should worry. So unfortunatly our Halloween was a little lame, we quarantined ourselves and just stayed home. Saturday she still had a fever but she was feeling a little better. Mainly she was just wiped out and would just keep saying how tired she was. We let her carve some pumpkins and she actually trick-or-treated to about 5 houses then she was done. Needless to say I was glad that we had so much fun the week before she didn't mind to much. Today she is doing even better and her fever is almost gone, so far no one else has caught it. Of course Thursday I made appointments for them to get vaccinated on Tuesday and Lizzie catches it the next day go figure.

Lizzie carving pumpkins, it was actually a really nice day but since she was sick I made her wear her coat.

Some of the finished products we didn't get a lot of close ups.

Bri came up with this one all by himself I was really impressed.

Here we are going out trick or treating my mom gave Lizzie this mask that glowed and she insisted on wearing them it was really quite cute.