Saturday, April 12, 2008

I guess I have a lot of Spare Time

I have decided now that Brian is studying 12 to 13 hours a day I have a little more time to myself. Since I don't have money we go to the library a lot and read and watch a few movies. Our library has a wide variety of movies that you can check out for a week for free so we go there a lot. I have watched most of the common ones so I am into the ones no one usually hears about. Most of the time there is a reason those movies get forgotten, but every once in a while I come across something really worth the watch or the read. I have decided to make a list of those that I think everyone should watch not that they are the best movies ever, but because they touched me in some way when I watched them that I just wanted to tell some one about it. If anyone has any recommendations for something I should watch or read I would love to hear about it . Just leave a comment or e-mail me what ever works.