Saturday, August 23, 2008

She doesn't perform on que

This is a really short video but I couldn't resist publishing it anyway and I promise that you will be singing it all day long.


Megan said...

It sounds like she is saying 'Elmo's World' is that it? Maybe I am just used to hearing that being said around here. LOL. She is adorable. I love when little kids sing.

Niki said...

Yes she is singing her own version of Elmo's world. It is all the rage around here.

Jenny said...

Haha, I guess I need a toddler to know that song ;)
Oh I just love her...too cute! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of months!

Brenbren said...

That's cute, I can see why you couldn't resist. I swear she gets cuter every time I see her. She's beautiful.