Thursday, September 9, 2010

New School and New Moves

The beginning of this month Lizzie started preschool here, we ended up doing a preschool co-op and I think it is working out great! She picked out her own backpack at Target, even though it is almost the same size as her, she loves it!

Here are her little preschool friends, ironically there are only two girls in the class and both are named Lizzie, go figure.

She started Gymnastics here and I really like this one, her first time was last Friday. There are only two other kids in her class, but she was the only one to show up and she loved the one on one attention. These parallel bars were her favorite!

I think it is safe to say that my kids don't set records when it comes to walking. They do however get pretty creative adapting to life not walking. This is Charlie's new way to dance it started out just back and forth and progressed into this, I think its pretty cute!


Jenny said...

That's awesome you're doing a co-op preschool! I'm trying to start a little neighborhood joyschool right now :)
Lizzie looks so grown up I can't believe it. I'm pretty sure your girls get their sweet moves and skill from their mama!

katie thompson said...

ok how many different ways can i say lizzie is the cutest thing ever.
and charlie! oh my she is growing up. that is awesome. it was like square dancing on your bum. so cute. was that a parrot in the background or the song??

Niki said...

Oh yeah we were bird sitting my friends Cockatoo that week, so yes it was a bird singing along.

Megan said...

We are doing the co-op thing too. I can't fork out the money the school want. Re-freakin-diculous! I love those dance moves! I got a little dizzy just watching her though. lol. Evan does something similar. My kids are also late walkers. Meh.

Hurricane Hansens said...

square dancing on your bun! Ha, so true Katie.
Lizzie looks darling in her little gym outfit and backpack.
My friend is doing a co-op kindergarten. I'll need ideas from both of you. I like that's there's so many boys in her class.