Saturday, May 17, 2008

Alright guys, we have 23 more days until Brian finishes his tests I can't wait! We just have to make it through if any of you have any suggestions for good books movies etc to keep us busy that would be great. We really need a new hobby but one that would cost little money is the only problem. For those of you who haven't heard we did find a house to rent for the next two years it is a three bed room with a backyard yeah! We can't move in until our lease here is up so we will be in by August we can't wait. Lizzie has been speaking French lately everything that she says sounds like she says le baby, le doggie, le momma etc it is really quite cute and funny at the same time. We are officially reaching the hundreds next week and the heat begins.


Urie's said...

Hi, that is awesome that you will be in a house. It was great to see you. I am trying to think of a new blog name, any suggestions?