Friday, May 30, 2008

What can I say she is really CUTE!

Sorry I haven't written for a little while I have been the nurse around here lately. Brian finished his school finally yeah! He only has 10 more days to study before he has to take his tests, he is freaking out. Lizzie had a cold/runny nose for the past two weeks and we are just getting over that. Brian got really sick on Monday and he has been out of commission for the whole week so far, so basically his whole week of studying he accomplished nothing. We have been having so much fun around here let me tell you. When you just get Lizzie to bed then Brian decides to throw up and it wakes the child up so you have a crying child and a sick husband it is really fun. But, what do you do but move on and hope tomorrow is better. These are some really cute pictures I didn't know that Brian took the one where she is in River's kennel but it is really cute, then the other two were just some from the bath when she was in a good mood. Enjoy!


Urie's said...

I hate having sick kids/husband! I am so sorry. I hope all is well now.

The Wellers said...

She really is such a cutie! We can't wait to play when you're in town! Glad Brian is done and has a break :)

kalie said...

Hi Niki! Good to find you in blogland. Her hair is growing out so much! She's sooooo cute!

The Wilson Family said...

Oh my word, look at those eyes!!! She looks so much like you! She is beautiful. I am excited you have a blog you will have to come and check out mine