Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Raining, it's Pouring!

When it rains here it pours, and then it is over it is really quite amazing. Lizzie truly enjoyed this last rain storm yesterday. This was the first time I have seen her be that brave and by the end she and her dad were running through the puddles. It was great!


Jenny said...

She's so cute and funny. I could totally sleep to the sound of that video! I love's been raining here, but it is freezing, so not near as fun!

Megan said...

I like how she kind of just pushes the boundry in the video, like maybe if I stick the umbrella in the rain, even if I am not under it - that counts right? haha. She is so cute and so is her little voice 'Oh wow. That's loud!' At least that is what I made out of it. Either way, it's pretty cute.

kalie said...

Loved the rain!

katie thompson said...

Oh i miss her. You guys are the cutest little family. ONE WEEK!