Sunday, June 14, 2009

I'm going home . . . .

This last week was our last week in Arizona, yes we made the long trip back home. We had some fun this week to say our goodbyes. Of course I forgot to take the camera most of the time but I did remember to take a few. Wednesday, Lizzie, Charlie, and I went to the splash park just off of Thunderbird and Lizzie had some fun she isn't to sure about the water she would run around and say it's splashing me. Wednesday night, we had a little girls night at Amanda's to watch a little dancing such fun thanks, Katie. Thursday we went swimming for play group, I'm the only one who has a two year old who prefers to sun bathe, go figure. Saturday night we had a fun barbecue with lots of friends. Thanks for all of you who turned out we are going to miss all of you. Monday we got up early and went to the Zoo for the last time, let me tell you it is so worth getting up early you get to see so much more. Lizzie got to feed the Giraffes and a few other animals, we had a lot of fun. The trip home took a long 14 hours but our girls were awesome and we made it safe and sound. I can't believe we are three years down only one more to go before we start a whole new adventure.

Lizzie getting splashed at the splash park

Chasing the peacock at the zoo.

Making friends with a turtle

Feeding the giraffe

Making sure those goats get a good brushing

Making the ducks perform for a treat

Splashing around at the Zoo her snake and her boy got to play in the water.

A pretty full U-haul and it wasn't even finished, we forgot to take a picture of the finished product.


Megan said...

Sounds like you had a jam packed last week in Arizona. And those zoo pictures look awesome - she really got to see and touch/chase all those animals?! How cool is that? Now welcome back to Utah where it is like 60 degrees and raining all day in June instead of April. Gotta love it ;)

Melissa Rees said...

So glad you are back! It's weird, huh?! Where are you living now?

Hurricane Hansens said...

We're so happy you guys are here! It was fun seeing you and to finally hug and kiss your cute girls. I wish our zoo was that awesome. Lets write a letter.

Jenny said...

LOVE that first picture where Lizzie is just barely touching the water with her toe. Oh she's so funny. That zoo looks so awesome! I bet she loves all the animals. Man, our zoo blows....
I'm glad that your long packing and driving adventure is behind you so we can play now!

hilary said...

those are some cute pictures at the zoo! glad to hear you had a fun last week. it was fun to get together with you guys one last time before you left! i can't believe how fast med school has gone. we are going to miss you fourth year! good thing for blogging. :) we can keep in touch so much better!

C and C Young said...

Those pictures are so cute. It's so hard to leave, but it's nice that you are going to have lots of insta-friends!