Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer of Lizzie

Sometimes I think that we forget about Charlie, not that we do it's just when I look back at the pictures three fourths of them are of Lizzie. I guess it's because Charlie is still so small and does the same thing all of the time. This week we decided to go to the Davis County Fair, since Brian leaves Sunday we have been playing a lot with him. Really I am not a big fan of county fairs and I haven't been to one since I was in Junior High, but Lizzie LOVED it and we had some great finds (sarcasm).

Lounging after a fun time at the Fair

She loved the petting Zoo we even saw a 5 ton pig he was 4 feet tall. They wouldn't let us take a picture without paying for it, he was huge though!

Got to love free pony rides, although she was wondering why she didn't get a cowboy hat to ride the pony.
Also the two dollar train ride that went around in a circle good times!

This is proof that Lizzie can get anyone to do anything that she wants them to do.
I have decided that she lays in bed at night and laughs at all the things that she gets us to do, yes we are all wrapped around her little finger.


Jenny said...

Looks like a fun lizzie day. Don't feel too bad about charlie. Just think, you weren't going and doing all sorts of fun things like this when lizzie was her size. At least her scenery changes a lot ;)

Megan said...

I think the same thing of Evan - I swear I have twice as many pictures of Anna by the time she was 7 weeks. Oh well. I think it is hilarious that they make you pay to get a picture with a pig. LOL. Looks like Lizzie had lots of fun though and that is all that matters ;)

katie thompson said...

A girl from my own heart. She is so adorable.

Danae Snow said...

Looks like you had a fun time! Lol, I can't believe they charge 2 bucks for a train that goes in a circle.. haha! I guess it's better than the 4 dollar corn dogs... ;)

Brett and Rachel said...

We miss you guys, but it looks like you are having a TON of fun!
I'm LOVING that pic on your sidebar of the two girls with their pink bows! PRECIOUS! I'm also loving your hair in the blessing photos. You might just be inspiration enough to chop mine off. We'll see...

hilary said...

looks like you guys are having a fun summer! your girls are darling. and your new hair cut is cute too by the way!