Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Lizzie has found a new obsession as of a few weeks ago, for St Patrick's day we bought some green Kool-aid because I thought that it would be festive. Well she is now in love with kool-aid, every morning she wakes up and asks for some. She likes to pic out the flavors and she thinks that it is really cool when her tongue changes colors. She loves to look in the mirror and see what color it is today.
On another cool note I am 36 weeks and 2 days, yeah for only 26 more days to go. Cross your fingers that it might not be that long!


Melissa Rees said...

How cute is your pregnant belly! Thought of any names yet? I remember LOVING kool-aid as a kid! I'm embarrassed to say I used to sniff the powder out of the packet. It hurts alot..

Megan said...

Your belly is so cute. You are almost there - hooray! I am so excited for you. For your sake I hope you go into labor the day you hit 37 weeks and it is no longer considered pre-term. Please send those same vibes my way ;) And who doesn't think your tongue changing colors is cool - it never gets old!

Niki said...

Melissa - I am proud to say I have never sniffed kool-aid but I have tried pixi-stix same idea. We are thinking of Charlotte "Charlie" as a name but it is not completely official.
Megan - I am only dilated to a 1 as of today but her head is really low so my doctor said not this week but my luck is next week just because my doctor will be out of town, that's how Lizzie preferred it. No really I am hoping any time would be nice for me at this point.

katie thompson said...

Niki oh my goodness. You are the cutest pregnant girl ever. You could be a model for maternity clothing.
Also Lizzie is the cutest, i really wish those shoes would have been her size. I need to spoil my nephews and nieces since i don't have little ones of my own.

Jenny said...

I can't decide which picture I love more- Lizzie's red tongue or your darling belly picture!! Oh those last few weeks are sooo much fun- Hey if you're a 1 already maybe baby Charlotte will come early :) (oh btw that's what I've been calling her even if Brian won't decide yet)
I can't wait to see that new little one when she comes!!

Natasha said...

You look so cute! You are all belly and small petite everywhere else. Your little girl is adorable also. I will hope for a not much longer pregnancy and a healthy labor/delivery for you.

Brett and Rachel said...

Ok, if I look HALF that good when I'm about to have a baby I will be praising the Lord! I LOVE your big belly with your TINY little waist. NOT FAIR!!
BTW, start thinking of ways we can help once this new little one comes. Dinner, babysitting, whatever!

Criscell said...

You look great! You're almost done! How are you feeling? I hope everything goes well.