Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun!

Even though we didn't get to play with family this year for Easter we still managed to have some fun. Every year Brian's school does a get together for the families, there are games and Easter egg hunts and cookie decorating they put a lot of effort into it. This year even though it rained and had to be moved inside we had a lot of fun. Lizzie still hasn't learned to be competitive yet (she ended up with only three eggs) but she loved the Easter bunny and she even got a balloon. All in all it was a success.
Sunday, she opened her Easter basket and found some eggs. She is defiantly a sugar monster, she even had a lot of fun at nursery, we are going to miss this nursery they really are the best! I don't know of any other little girl that sleeps with her dinosaur, but Lizzie does and she loves it. We played the rest of the day low key and just kept it simple with a few games and a walk but all in all it was a good day with to much sugar, isn't that what Easter is all about? Hope everyone had a fun Easter too. Sorry these are in random order, they all are Easter related.

Lizzie posing in her pretty Easter dress.

Sitting on the Easter bunnies lap (does anyone know the gender of the Easter bunny, I always thought he was a boy).

Crashing, with the dino after a good sugar high!

Our Easter morning video was a little long so here is a short one of her finding some eggs she loved every aspect of Easter. I figured next year we will try to explain the whole religious aspect to the holiday, it is a little to deep for her this year. Although she is already asking what the next holiday is.


Megan said...

The smirk on Lizzie's face is to die for in the picture where she is posing with her Easter dress on. LOL. I love it! Sounds like you guys had another fun holiday - no wonder Lizzie loved them so much.

I was just looking at your ticker on the side of your blog - only 14 days left (hopefully sooner)! How crazy is that?! I am excited - hopefully one of your next posts will be the announcement :)

C and C Young said...

I love that Lizzie gets excited for every holiday--that makes things so much fun! She is so dang cute.

Melissa Rees said...

I surprised she loved the Easter bunny! I know Deacon would have screamed his head off!

katie thompson said...

So cute. Im so happy you guys will be back in Utah. We seriously will baby sit any time. Two little girls are to die for.

Jenny said...

LOVE her posing in that first picture- her dress is darling!
I too am surprised she loved the Easter bunny, frankly that thing scares the crap outa me!
I think it is so fun that she loves holidays so much. She's such a doll- can't wait to see her teach her little sister allll about these fun festivities :)

Hurricane Hansens said...

Lizzie you look "so super cute" (as Nate would say)
I always the the Easter Bunny was a boy
Can wait to see little Charley!