Saturday, July 3, 2010

Graduation and the trip to San Antonio

Yeah, Brian finally graduated from medical school on June 4, 2010 which just happened to be our Anniversary also. Two weeks before the movers came and packed up our stuff and shipped it to TX for us. Wednesday the second we loaded up our car and said our goodbyes and headed down for one last drive to sunny AZ. We stopped by the Grand Canyon on our way down since none of us had seen it before, and we arrived in Glendale on Thursday. We met up with Brian's parents that night and Friday Brian graduated! Saturday we hopped into the car again and started our way down to TX, we got lost in El Passo (which is not a place I ever want to go again). With a few minor bumps a long the way we arrived safe and sound to our house Sunday night! Might I add with no furniture and only two pillows between the four of us.

Brian's graduation his parents took most of the pics on their camera so we only have a couple!

This is how our car looked and really it doesn't show the whole thing lets just say we had some troopers!


Jenny said...

Yay for Brian! Such a looong trip- you were all troopers. Oh poor River.

katie thompson said...

congrats brian. you are the best brother!
niki your car was so full. im glad you are moved in and finally settled.

Megan said...

I feel cramped JUST looking at those pictures. lol. Congrats to both you and the hubby. Hope things are going a little more smoothly now that you have all your stuff ;)

Melissa Rees said...

I'm so glad you made it there safely! I spent a couple days in Houston and don't really ever want to go back!! Hopefully you can come visit Utah soon!

Hurricane Hansens said...

Congrats (again) to you all! and oh that car. . .