Friday, March 6, 2009

My Little Leprechaun

Just a funny story to make you laugh, it just goes to show how parenting is very unpredictable. Every Thursday our ward has a play group over at this park by our house. We haven't been to it for a few weeks because we were out of town. I had told Lizzie in advance that we were going to the park and she was all stoked and such. When we got there she just wanted to stand right next to me and play with her stick. I was fine with that until she started whining and asking me to follow her around the park away from all the other kids. I explained to her that we were here to play with the kids and she was welcome to go where ever she wanted as long as I could see her. She got a little upset and I tried to tell her that we don't cry at the park we play and have fun. After a couple more times of this back and forth being the typical mom I threatened that we would have to go home if this continued. Of course it did so I packed her up and proceeded to drive home, expecting a screaming child that would be upset at being punished and loosing her playdate. Instead she sang the whole way home and was as happy as a child could be, my punishment totally backfired.


Melissa Rees said...

Too bad! I'm sure that will happen to me at some point. That or Deacon will be a holy terror that the other parents don't want their kids to play with!

Megan said...

Haha. That is hilarious...maybe because I have had a similar thing happen to me. Dang kids! ;)

Criscell said...

Don't you hate it when that happens?! I hear ya!

Brenbren said...

I think that is AWESOME! She looks super cute!

Urie's said...

Can you believe I am checking on blogs...It has been a long time. Good to "see" ya again. Millie needs one of those hats. She told me that she was excited for Leprechaun's day when everything would be green.