Friday, March 20, 2009

Our Green Holiday

Sorry this is a couple days late but our internet has been acting funny. We had a fun St. Patrick's day on Tuesday, by the way thanks for the good ideas. I was going to get up and make some leprechaun feet across the floor but of course the one day I actually had something planned she decided to wake up really early, which she never does. I am hoping it doesn't become a regular thing this waking up early, not my favorite thing in the world. Anyway, we got up and made green pancakes for breakfast, the picture doesn't do them justice. Later in the day Lizzie helped me make green sugar cookies, her favorite part was eating the dough. She did get sidetracked and ended up playing in the sink with her dinosaurs. Later that evening we had some friends over for Reuben sandwiches and green ice cream with sprite, oh don't forget the green cookies. I didn't get any pictures which I should have. Oh and the cookies aren't real shamrocks because we have this bin of 101 cookie cutters and I assumed that there would be a shamrock in there but of course there wasen't, there is practically every other thing you can think of but no shamrock I should have checked. All in all we had a lot of fun for it being a kind of lame holiday, we just can't wait for Easter, Lizzie is already dreaming up great ideas.


Jenny said...

Oh fun! That's good that you did lots of green stuff for the holiday...ummm I wore a green shirt...I'm so lame. Maybe next year when Addie gets holidays more I'll do something fun like you. I can't believe out of 101 cookie cutters no shamrock! What a sham!! (tee hee...I'm soooo funny right?)

Urie's said...

Ben said "So that's what it would be like to be an only child." Looks like you had fun!