Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Lot of Random Things!

I finally got my camera back so bear with me while I post some fun pictures that were taken while we were on vacation this past July.

Bath time is always more fun with friends!

Yeah for aunt Ax (Lizzie wants to be just like her when she grows up)

Fun with the cousin's, we are so lucky to have so many fun girls to hang out with!

Welcome home Lindsey we love you!

I think that we should be in the Olympics!

Go Nana, need I say more?

Two Diva's!

Next, I finally finished Breaking Dawn, I have this copy if anyone needs one to borrow just tell me. Wow is all I have to say, I am not sure if I loved it but it definitely had some twists. The first one was still my favorite. If you want to discuss just call me or leave a post.

Finally my last item of business, last night as I was getting ready for bed this is what we found in our bath tub, can you say scary. So of course all night I was sure that there was going to be one in my bed. I had to get on the internet and see if this was the infamous bark scorpion, and as far as I can tell I am pretty sure that it's not. But did you know that there are over 40 different species of scorpions in AZ alone, yeah that is enough to freak me out completely, my only consolation is that there hasn't been a single death in AZ from a scorpion in the last 20 years, unless you are allergic to them you will most likely have a really nasty sting and some pain. But still agh!


Frost Family said...

Okay, that scorpion picture freaked me out!! I haven't seen one yet and it looked HUGE. My Uncle took Nathan out last Sunday (at their house in Mesa) with a black light and he had fun spraying carborator fluid on them, he still talks about it (I'm glad I didn't know what they were doing...scarey).

Criscell said...

Scary scorpion!!! I still haven't seen one in the whole year we've been here but now I probably jinxed myself by saying that...

Anyway, I wish you were still in our ward because I really want to borrow your Breaking Dawn, but now I never see you at church! Glad to hear you liked it.

Jenny said...

I love all the random pictures...welcome back to blogging world! Lizzie is so dang cute! The scorpion on the other hand, so NOT cute! Yeah, I would be freaking out too...what on Earth did you do with it?! I hope that Brian killed/disposed of it for you! Ewww...so scary.

Megan said...

Looks like you had a fun trip to Utah...would have been funner if I was included ;) And that scorpion picture is freaky!

I liked Breaking Dawn, but I had mixed feelings about the ending. I thought it was anti-climactic. I expected somewhat of a fight between them and the volturi or at least something better than okay, I see your point now, nevermind, bye.

I am glad Bella wasn't as whiny this time a round and that being a vampire really seemed to be her destiny. And I am glad her and Edward got their happily ever after. But it was just a little too much happiness that things ended up working out with Jacob, with Charlie finding someone and even the random vampires they mentioned ended up finding love.

But overall it was good. Nice closure.

kalie said...

Yikes! I hate crawly things. I loved BD, and I'm glad you liked it. I can't believe how long Lizzie's hair is getting. We miss you guys....

Jeppesen Family said...

So good to hear from you! Looks like things are going well :) Sucks about the scorpions. Remember why we moved into that apartment above you guys??? I hate scorpions!!! Sorry you miss Utah. I would, too. The weather was so nice there!