Sunday, August 3, 2008

No Fun

I have officially decided that there isn't much motivation to blog when I don't have a camera to post pictures. I am not really one of those that has much to say about anything but Lizzie and I am sure that most of you who read this don't really care about reading anything unless it is about Lizzie. Still, I am going to write a little to tell you all what has been happening in our little boring lives. We have moved into a house yeah and it is great. If anyone needs the address just call me or email me and I can give it to you. It has been really hot down here this week but there are a couple of relief days on the way thanks to a little tropical storm in the gulf, we might even get some rain I love the monsoon season here. Brian finished his first rotation and he starts his next one tomorrow and gas prices are killing us it is so not cool. Lizzie broke her new nursery leaders in today with a full two hours of crying nonstop I bet they are so glad that we moved in to their ward. Oh it is looking like we get to come spend a whole month in UT for a rotation over Thanksgiving and Christmas we are way excited we need to see some snow this year say your prayers. Can't wait to see you all and hopefully we survive the rest of the summer heat!


kalie said...

Heard from Kevin today that you guys moved out of the ward! Sad for us but yay for you! I will miss your little girl's cute pixi-ness!

Megan said...

Your little girl IS super adorable, but I still like your posts ;) I hear ya on the screaming nursery kid - Anna was awesome for the first 2 weeks and now she screams bloody murder if we leave. Good times.

Hopefully since you will be in Utah for a while this next time we can all plan a get together.

Criscell said...

Glad to hear you are all moved but we are sorry to have lost you in our ward! How do you like your new ward/neighborhood? Isn't moving a pain?! Hope all is well!