Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not enough media attention

I was thinking that it was time to give River a little blogging time since she is such a good friend to Lizzie. She doesn't get enough credit when it comes to how good she really is with Lizzie. She suffers through multiple wacks (I don't know if that is a word) she is often a pillow and sometimes even a seat and through it all she never growls and is often giving kisses instead. We have pondered getting a second dog because we never know how long River will be with us, but we can't imagine finding one as good with Lizzie as River is. Just wanted to explain this picture a little in this new house everything is tile and when River sits on it she slides which really bugs her. In this picture she wanted to sit down so she sat right next to the wall so her butt wouldn't slide we thought that it was really funny.

Lizzie Loves River Too!


Megan said...

What a good lil' doggy. It seems that dogs do really well if they are already in your home when the child arrives. Anna loves dogs, which makes me happy that she isn't terrified like some kids, because eventually we will be getting one. Lizzie is pretty cute giving him a kiss and Rover just waits for it and lets her - I love it.

Criscell said...

Cute dog! And so sweet to Lizzie too. Someday I hope we can have a dog...

Criscell said...

Thanks for offering to let me read your book! Where do you guys live now?

Jenny said...

Awww, poor River and her lack of attention ;) She's needs her uncle Jed to play with her! It amazes me what abuse dogs are willing to take from small children! We miss you all, including River and we're sooo excited that you'll be here in November!! Yay! Play time :)