Friday, September 5, 2008

Finger Paint

The other day we bought Lizzie some finger paints because she hates getting her hands dirty and this way she could get used to it and have some fun too! Well the other day she took it to the next level and decided to use it as body paint. She thought that she was so funny we were laughing right along with her!


Criscell said...

FUN! What a good mom you are to let her get all messy and have a good time like that. They're only little once!

The Wellers said...

That's sweet! We're too old to get away with body paint, so I'm glad Lizzie can ;)
She's so funny...I hope that she isn't still green! You're nice to let her have fun without freaking out about a mess.

Megan said...

I need to get me some of those cause Anna is the same way about wet and/or sticky things on her fingers. Plus if it gets her to make the same cute, cheesy, grin on her face the mess will be worth it. Lizzie is so dang cute!