Friday, September 19, 2008

My Little Diva!

For the longest time Lizzie has been coming up with creative things to use as a purse. We have been trying to wait until her Birthday to get her a purse because it is coming up. But, Brian and yes it was his idea broke down and they went out and they picked it out together. Since then the moment we walk out the door she has to have it, along with her sunglasses. Then she has to make sure that mommy has her purse and sunglasses also. It is really cute, I honestly don't know where she came from I really think I have only bought two purses at the most in my life. She got a lot of Grammy Kari in her. Oh, and I asked her to take her finger out of her mouth for the pic so of course all of them have her finger in her mouth.


Criscell said...

She's a doll! Caysja is getting more and more into purses too.

Jenny said...

What a darling diva! I love the purse- something I'd totally own if I was young enough to pull it know like 5 haha. She's way too cute!
Hey, and what the heck is up with the corn pops? I was so left out of that one- I must try them now.

Megan said...

Anna has to have her purse and make sure I have mine before we go anywhere too! What silly girls. I don't know how she could get any cuter and then you post again and she just out does herself. You need to sign her up for some sort of contest!

C and C Young said...

She really is a cutie! I love the poses she does.

Brett and Rachel said...

How funny! What a true diva! Sometimes, I wonder where kids get these things from? I guess some are just born that way. You better watch out, though. She's just going to get worse! :)