Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We decided to take some pictures on Sunday because Lizzie looked so cute. Brian convinced me to get in one and I have officially decided that Lizzie is much more photogenic than I am but I thought that I should put both pics on anyway so no mocking. It was a good day because Lizzie made it all the way through nursery without crying, I think that this is the first week she hasen't come back with red eyes. Yeah for us!


The Frosts said...

Lizzy looks SO usual! You look fantastic yourself!! And YEA for making it through nursery...what a success!!

Megan said...

Isn't it so invigorating when they go to nursery and actually like it! Congrats! She looks so cute and she looks exactly like you, so I don't know what you are talking about!

Jenny said...

Lizzie looks darling, and you look great! I hope all is well down in AZ- hey I saw you called, and my phone (GRRR) was being stupid- call me tomorrow!
Yay for Lizzie making it through nursery!! I can't believe how grown up she looks now. It's crazy how fast she's grown.
Miss and love you guys!

kalie said...

Both of you have very cute hair in that second picture! :)

Urie's said...

She looks so cute cuz she is in the dress I bought! Just kidding, she looks cute because she looks like you and Brian and I wish I could just kiss her!